Domaine Dupont


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Caveman – Le Drink Parfait magazine – June 2024

The June 2024 issue of CAVEMAN ( LE DRINK PARFAIT ) magazine has an article on cider-making. Laurence Marot has choosen Domaine Dupont « renowned for its know-how and exceptional cuvees » to explain harvesting, washing and sorting, pressing, fermentation and bottling.

Laurence Marot also has selected:  Cidre Reserve
« This signature cuvee will appeal to all connoisseurs! A blend of 60% bittersweet apples and 40% tart apples, this certified organic cider has aged for 6 months in oak barrels that previously hold Calvados. On the palate: a gourmet trip to Normandy, enhanced with fine bubbles, notes of caramelized apples and baked prune ending with a slight bitterness. »

Publié le 12 juin 2024 dans English,Press



Domaine Louis Dupont

DOMAINE DUPONT   -   14430 Victot-Pontfol - France
Tél.: +33 (0)   -   Fax : +33 (0)   -   Email :
Domaine Familial Louis Dupont   •   14430 Victot-Pontfol   •   Tél.: +33 (0)   •

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